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Disconnected Fembot

2019, sculpture, lamp, recycled  metals, glass, fusibles, compact discs, plastic, jewelry, bicycle pieces, knobs, computer pieces and keyboard, brass lamps, watches, plumbing parts, vintage sewing machine pieces, clock pieces, camera lenses on fiberglass, glass socle .
73 x 32 x 19 inch | 184 x 80 x 46 cm.

Artistic Excellence Award, Artist of the year, Circle Foundation for the Arts, Athens, Greece (2023).

Finalist Award, New York Art Expo 2023, Artavita and World Wide Art, Santa Barbara, CA.,USA. (2022).

Finalist Award, New York Art Expo 2023, 50th art contest, Circle Foundation for the Arts, Athens, Greece, (2022).

First Place Award, Open, Art Show International Gallery, Los Angeles, CA., USA.(2022)

First Place Award , Open, Contemporary Art Gallery, Middletown, DE., USA( 2021).

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